canopy cypher


   About Me

Nature/Nurture/Narrative illustrations 

illustrations inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s article, Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System

Inner Child Ceremony + Portrait  


Inner child portraits are my favorite illustrations. I ask you for a recent photo of yourself and a photo of you as a child, and I rework and combine the two to create a portrait of you embracing yourself as a child. These portraits first started with me - when I was thinking of ways I could comfort and give love to younger versions of myself. It is my honor to create these sacred drawings, and I hope to create one for you.  

What’s included:
  • digital copy and mailed print (additional fees for mailing) 
  • reiki infused, with a focus on the heart
  • song and drum ceremony to bless the portrait
  • pulling cards from my herbal oracle deck to call in plant allies 
  • sometimes messages will come through for you, specific to the age you are in the portraits and if any significant events were occuring at that time. i will only share with you if consent is given.